One thing that has frustrated me about traditional time management programs is that the unstated goal often seems to be about cramming more into your day, suggesting ways to get more done in less time, in the name of efficiency and productivity. I think that approach can backfire and make us feel less focused and more frazzled.

Maybe we could experiment with how we can be more in the moment, how we can experience more joy in the day to day, and actually create more spaces between tasks? I believe time management should incorporate other values such as being IN your life and not just rushing through it to get to the next thing. I'm all for productivity, but not as the highest (or only?) value above relationships, relaxation, service, or fun. And, anyway, I think we're actually more productive when we try to do less and do it in a calmer way.

Stephen Rechtschaffen's book, Timeshifting, has had a great impact on the way I view time and how to make more of it in my life. One of the takeaways for me is the idea of varying the pace of your days, letting myself move quickly through some tasks and then purposefully trying to do other slower, more thoughtful activities. He also talks about stopping and slowing down just when you feel the most pressed for time! It's counterintuitive and SO hard to do. But, being in the moment actually helps us focus and be more efficient. I highly recommend his book. To get a taste of his writing, here's a piece where he's describing the difference between time shifting and time management that you might find will inform your perspective.

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